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Monday, 9 July 2012

It's 6.15am and I've been up for a while.

I think I totally overdosed on sugar yesterday!  At work it was the first day of the Staff Training Week yesterday and they were doing free coffee and danish in the staff room of the college.  We went down and got a load, then someone got a load more, then I had to go and buy some chocolates for someone who is leaving and got some for my self and ate a load of them.  You KNOW what it is like, I am sure.  It was partly boredom at work yesterday because I had nothing to do but wait around for the Principal's end of the academic year All Staff Meeting, and do a display for Wednesday to try and explain to the teaching staff what the support staff do to support their teaching.

A couple of years ago on a staff training day we had to sit through a morning presentation of how wonderful the teaching staff are, and how we minnions support their teaching.  When they asked for feed-back quite a few of us suggested that they might like to do the same, but the other way round; tell the teaching staff how wonderful the support staff are, and what we do to enable them to teach.  They really don't have a clue and since they don't understand what goes on on the non-teaching side of college life.  We had a New Student Day last week for those learners who will be starting in September and when they were showing their group round it was a quick walk straight through "here they do travel and attendance", so we started to give our own guide to what goes on there.

Anyway, my alarm has just gone off and I must get ready for work!  I am thinking smoothie with blueberries for breakfast.

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