One week until the hip replacement operation and I can't wait. I have been told that I can't take my supplements for two weeks before the operation and so I haven't been taking my glucosamine & chondroitin or the rosehip supplements for a week and I am slowly grinding to a halt as I get stiffer and stiffer. I now routinely use a walking pole around college as even walking from the car to the office is getting to be more and more of a challenge. It is 2.15am in the UK and I have been woken by the pain, so I am waiting for a stronger pain killer to work so I can get back to sleep.
Why is conventional medicine so against natural supplements?
The rather cynical conclusion which makes sense to me is because they don't generate a profit for pharmaceutical companies and the blindness of doctors to anything that is not produced by a drug company making gigantic profits. I once read that the top Big Pharma companies quoted on the Fortune 500 list in America make more profit than all the others put together!
Which would you trust more? A natural substance which has been a part of humans nutrition for thousands of years? Or something made in a laboratory to be patented and sold with the sole purpose of profit? Hmmmm.
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